
Which school website checklist should I choose for my school?

I meet with schools all over the country to chat about school website compliance, best practice and how to make sure your school website is fully compliant. Something that crops up repeatedly is that everyone has some form of a checklist. For sure, every school website provider has a school website checklist.

So, how do you know which one to use? Which is the very best one for your school, college or Multi-Academy Trust?

Here's why not all school website checklists are the same, and some things you might not know about keeping your school website compliant.

There is a Government website with all requirements listed

Did you know that you can access lots of information on Gov.uk to find out information school website compliances? You will find lots of in about what maintained schools must publish online and what academies, free schools, and colleges should publish online.

This is a really helpful starting point for anyone working hard to maintain a compliant school website.

But, and this is a big but, this is not the place to go if you want any helpful advice or support in reaching and maintaining compliance. The information is presented in list form, with nothing actionable. It is all instruction.

So, if you're managing a school website, the information here is helpful, but it won't get you very far.

Every school website provider has a school website checklist

This is why every single school website provider offers some form of school website checklist.

Have you been inundated with offers for school website checklists? Have you received countless emails from edtech providers telling you that their list is the one you need? (Guilty as charged!)

I've heard from Headteachers that among the hundreds of emails they receive every day, there are lots of offers of checklists. So, that might be checklists for GDPR, for safeguarding and of course, school website compliance.

But, not all school website checklists are the same.

Why The School Website Requirements Guide is trusted by nearly 4000 schools

Everything that we do at Schudio is with the aim of making life in school just a little easier.

We created The School Website Requirements Guide to provide the go-to resource for schools that want to be compliant with DfE requirements. We wanted to create a resource and a range of resources (lots of which are free), products and services that support schools like nobody else.

It is kept up to date all year round so that you don't have to worry about your website drifting into non-compliance. It's also packed with a ton of advice, tips & tricks and best practice learned over years of auditing school websites.

This is your starting point and your go-to resource for maintaining a compliant school website.

That is why we created the following. Each one is built to help you reach and maintain compliance. Each one is much more than any school website checklist you will find anywhere.

  • The School Website Requirements Guide [FREE]

    Trusted by nearly 4000 schools as of February 2020 and described as incredibly helpful, insightful and trustworthy. Use this guide as your starting point if you're seeking to make your website compliant. Schudio update the Guide regularly with best practice advice and deep knowledge of the requirements. Choose this Guide above all other 'checklists'. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

  • The School Website Compliance Course

    Go deeper into every single area of compliance with expert advice from our team. Schudio experts take you through all the best practice information you need. We will also send you ongoing updates and lots more perks as a compliance student. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

  • School Website Compliance Software

    We built the school website compliance software to enable you to review your website visually, alongside the latest requirements at any time, online. Schudio experts keep the requirements up to date. Check your website at any time and run off an actionable report. Then, ask our team for any advice you need in understanding the requirements. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

  • Pro School Website Compliance Audits

    Sometimes you are just too busy to audit your website yourself, within your school. Or, sometimes you need the reassurance of an additional line of defense. Schudio will support you. Our Pro School Website Compliance Audits offer a robust option to protect your school. Schudio experts will carry out an audit on your behalf and provide a fully actionable report. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

  • School Website Software

    As an aside, The School Website Software from Schudio includes as standard, The School Website Compliance Software and Pro School Website Audit at setup. Choose this option if you want to radically overhaul your website and transform engagement and compliance. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

  • The Annual Ofsted Ready Website Event

    Join us annually for The Ofsted Ready Website Event where we train you in all the skills you need to achieve full compliance. Also, we'll teach you everything you need to know to stay that way. >> FIND OUT MORE >>

Schools that work closely with us comment that they are much better prepared for inspections than they were.

What should I do right now?

Are you still unsure where to start? Schudio's School Website Requirements Guide will be the best starting point for your school. It is more comprehensive than any other resource in this area. That is your starting point and we will be in touch to help you decide if any of the other options are suited for your school. No hard sell, ever. Just helpful, supportive advice.

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