
"The administration side of the website is very user friendly and makes the up keep of it simple. We are thinking of not having a glossy prospectus anymore as the website IS our prospectus now."

Simon Pritchard, Kennington Primary School


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How Schudio helped Kennington Primary ditch the printed prospectus and move everything online.

The Background

We are an average sized primary school in the heart of Fulwood in Preston with a rich diversity of happy and hard-working pupils. The majority of our children come from an Asian Heritage background and many have English as their second language. Our new primary school website needed to reach this audience hugely effectively.

The Challenge

The website had an outdated feel to it and didn’t really give a flavour of what the values of the school were about. It also didn’t provide much information for current or prospective parents. There was no up to the minute information about upcoming events or information that parents could find useful. It also didn’t meet statutory requirements, partly because website was also not easy to keep up to date.

The Solution: New School Website, Schudio School Website Software

The administration side of the website is very user friendly and makes the up keep of it simple. An email to the support desk quickly resolves any issues, even when it appears something can’t be done. The look and feel of the site is more modern and up to date without being ‘over the top’ and so is easy for parents to navigate. There are a whole host of features which so that parents can find the information they need quickly. The news sections give a good flavour of what goes on in school and the twitter feed is a great way of letting parents know what is happening on a day to day basis.

The Results

We are now up to date with our statutory requirements after using the Schudio Website Compliance guide which was a great help with this process. After attending a workshop hosted by Schudio, we now know how to use twitter more effectively. That helps us direct parents to specific pages on our website which has increased their participation with their children’s learning. Prospective parents have found the website really useful for finding out information about the school before visiting. This has been the same for prospective job applicants before attending interview.

The Future

We’d really like to improve the way we utilise our Class pages because we feel they are under used at the moment. Hopefully Schudio can help us with that! We are thinking of not having a glossy prospectus anymore as the website IS our prospectus now.

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