
"I have built a fantastic relationship with colleagues at Schudio. The simple admin area makes everything a breeze. As a result, I have noticed edits, amendments and content input is faster."

Craig Pugh, Unity Academy / Fylde Coast Academy Trust


School Type / Multi Academy Trust


Number of Students


Members of Staff

How Schudio helped Unity Academy transform their website as their Multi Academy Trust grew.

The Background

Unity Academy is situated in the North Shore area of Blackpool, Lancashire. The school is an all-through Academy for ages 2 to 16yrs. The Academy ranges from Nursery to Secondary School. We are a sponsored academy, formed on the 1st September 2013 and sponsored by the Fylde Coast Academy Trust. 

The Challenge

One of the main challenges was being able to keep the Academy website exciting, engaging and fresh. Refreshing key content and certain aspects of the website’s appearance (such as home page banners) is really important. That’s in order to keep current parents and prospective parents interested. Even a minor change can drastically change the look of your home page and keep it fresh! Part of meeting the challenge was to update to a new academy website and so we chose Schudio to help us.

The Solution: New School Website, Schudio School Website Software

Schudio have helped me meet these challenges by providing me with a very simple and easy platform in which to manage and administrate the school website. The admin or ‘back end’ of the website is incredibly easy to navigate and changes can be made very quickly. 

I believe anyone with basic ICT knowledge can comfortably and confidently manage a website using Schudio’s platform and hosting service.

The Results

I have built a fantastic relationship with colleagues at Schudio. I feel I can pick up the phone and call the team for friendly advice or a chat regarding the school websites. As mentioned previously, the simple admin area makes everything a breeze. As a result, I have noticed edits, amendments and content input is faster. That saves me precious time each and every busy workday!

The Future

My plans for the future are to continue to work with Schudio to help push our new academy website here at Unity Academy to greater heights. Not only Unity’s school website, but all school websites I manage within the Fylde Coast Academy Trust (FCAT). With more design tweaks and template options the websites can only go from strength to strength.

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How Schudio helped Unity Academy transform their website as their Multi Academy Trust grew.

Craig Pugh
Unity Academy / Fylde Coast Academy Trust
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