Trust Website Features

Features Built Specifically for Multi-Academy Trusts

Managing a number of websites across a Multi Academy Trust, whatever size is a big undertaking. The Schudio School Website Software comes pre-packaged with a number of features that are built specifically to help you manage important content Trust-wide, with one login.


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Streamlined compliance management across your Trust
Trust-wide Policy & Document Management

No matter the size of your Multi-Academy Trust anywhere up to 80% of your policies are Trust-wide. Our unique, innovative technology enables your Trust staff to manage these policies centrally and deploy changes and updates across all the academies in your Trust at once.

What's more, set review dates on your policies and you will automatically be notified when you need to review them.

Total flexibility over system access
Trust-wide User Management

Your Multi-Academy Trust website package will include unlimited users and the ability to control all website users centrally, right across the Trust. By using the range of different user types and totally flexible access permissions, your staff will only have access to the areas of your website that you want them to. You have total control.

Online, expert-led Training for all
Trust-wide On Demand Training

Through our market-leading online training platform, SchudioTV every single member of staff in each of your schools will have access to The Essential School Website Training Course at no additional cost. This online, on-demand training platform means you have expert training available all year round at zero additional cost.

Solutions built for Multi-Academy Trusts

Schudio offers services & software for website management, engagement, and compliance with a range of market-leading compliance resources available for free. Everything we do is built to make life easier for your Trust and every one of your schools.

Your Multi-Academy Trust website should make it easy for you to celebrate all the amazing things that go on right through your Trust.

We will make it incredibly easy for all your staff to shout loud about your amazing schools and all that goes on there! And we’ll make sure you don’t worry about compliance because we have you covered.

Let's start a conversation

We would love to chat through how we can help your Multi-Academy Trust radically transform your online presence! Drop us a line, we'd love to chat through your exciting plans.

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