
Monthly Archives: November, 2021

  1. School Logo dos and don’ts

    Over the years, we have seen many school logos. Some are excellent and some are not so great. We have been involved in many logo projects including full…

  2. Google Reviews – Are they important?

    Google reviews are like marmite you either love them or hate them. But wherever you stand on the matter, there are points for both sides. Before we get…

  3. Performance Tables – School Website Requirement

    What is the Performance Tables Requirement? The school website requirement for performance tables states that “you must include a link to the school and college performance tables and…

  4. New Social Media Management Tool

    Here at Schudio, we always want to provide you with the best solutions to every problem you face. So let me introduce you to our exciting new social…

  5. Exam and Assessment Results on your school website

    Every school is required to publish your exam results information. You will find full and specific details of the action information you need to publish in our school…

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