
Category Archives: School Website Requirements

  1. The Best School Websites in 2023 – 4 steps every school must take

    One way or another you WILL show your website visitors who you are and what you are about as a school. You can either do it deliberately through…

  2. School Website Requirements in 2022/23 – Three Key Focuses

    Every year, we spend significant amounts of time researching the latest trends around school website compliance. We speak to school leaders, HMIs and multi-academy trust directors. We look…

  3. Safeguarding in Schools – Checklist & Requirements

    We are asked more and more frequently whether or not there are any specific safeguarding requirements on your school website. There is a requirement to publish information around…

  4. Financial information & Executive Pay on Your School Website

    This financial information requirement released in November 2020 is an easy requirement to fulfil. We do find, however, that most schools do not have this information listed on…

  5. Ofsted careers guidance for your school website – how to get it right

    It is coming up to the end of the academic year! Almost time for the holidays! Now is a great time to review the Ofsted Careers Guidance for…

  6. Financial Information School Website Compliance Requirements – draft

    This financial information requirement released in November 2020 is an easy requirement to fulfil. We do find, however, that most schools do not have this information listed on…

  7. Meeting the statutory requirements for school website annual accounts information

    To ensure you are meeting the statutory requirements for school website annual accounts information, your school’s funding arrangements and the ages of the students at your school will…

  8. Information to Publish in your School Website Equality Objectives Report

    Throughout this post, we will delve into one of the school website requirements; information to publish in your school website equality objectives report. The requirements can be found…

  9. Meeting the School Website Complaints Requirements

    How can you meet the school website Complaints Policy requirement? If you take a look at Schudio’s school website requirements guide and scroll down to section 17 you…

  10. School Website Request for Copies Requirement

    This has to be one of the most straightforward school website requirements. The school website Request for Copies requirement. It’s fast and easy to implement. The problem is…

  11. School Website Ethos and Values – How to get it right

    It’s time to take a look at your School Website Ethos and Values. The DfE simply state “Your website should include a statement of your school’s ethos and…

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