
Give Parents a voice with ParentView

ParentView diagram

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's schoolAs parents we've been thinking for a while about how important it is to feel heard by your kids school. Thank goodness that ParentView came along.

Ofsted have released ParentView to give parents the option to review their school in a constructive way online and Ofsted are taking into account the reviews submitted online when conducting a school inspection.

This isn't a free for all like you might find on shopping sites, but it is a constructive, well formed system that does give parents a chance to express an opinion and is something that schools should think about encouraging their parents to engage with.

Think of this as a marketing tool - add the ParentView link to your school web site and your parents can submit opinions based on "12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour."

Ask us how you can integrate this into your site and start to promote your school on an Ofsted backed vehicle.

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