
Timed Push Notifications – New Feature

Timed Push Notifications

Mobile app push notifications are a really useful way of communicating with parents of your school. They don't usually cost anything to send. Even more, notifications can include lots of other content that a text message can't, for example photographs or videos. The Schudio school website software is linked with our school app software and makes sharing information like this easy.

Why Timed Push Notifications?

Push notifications facilitate communication with parents via their mobile devices. All without the costs typically associated with text messaging. Often these communications are written and sent straight away. But sometimes you may want to send a push notification as a reminder. Consequently it might be more effective to send that to parents at a specific time. Just like a reminder would be. That's why timed push notifications are useful. Schedule them for a specific time in the future. Parents will receive the notification at the specified time.

How can you use Timed Push Notifications?

Of course timed push notifications can be used alongside instant ones. It's not a case of one or the other. Below are some short example uses for timed push notifications in your school.

Regular reminders for parents

Does your school send out letters on a certain day of the week each week, or requires a parental signature on a diary/planner every Friday? A short push notification sent the evening before could be very helpful in engaging with parents at your school.

Outside of school hours reminders

A reminder for non-uniform day. Consider sending the timed push notification reminder to parents the evening before or early in the morning on the day. In addition to the message you could use the opportunity to share more about what the purpose of the day is.

Reminder of changed process

A push notification before a regular action that has had a process change can be a really helpful reminder for parents. And save staff having to deal with an influx of parents or requests from parents. Maybe in school a collection or drop off point (or time) for students has changed. A push notification a little bit before the time would remind parents of the changed arrangements, and hopefully ensure they follow the new procedure.

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