
Tag Archives: Apps We Love

  1. Apps We Love: Sway

    Sway You may not have heard of Sway, but it’s an Microsoft application and included within their suite of Office apps. Sway has been designed with the purpose…

  2. Apps We Love – Explain Everything

    Explain Everything Explain everything is a fantastic app available on iOS, Android and Windows. The app is designed to be output onto an external display, like a large screen…

  3. Apps We Love – Diigo

    About Diigo Diigo is primarily a cloud based bookmarking service. Bookmarks can be collected from a variety of different websites and stored within your account to access later,…

  4. Apps We Love – Scratch Jr.

    What is Scratch Jr. Scratch Jr. takes it’s cue from the much loved web app Scratch, and makes it even easier to build a basic program. Much of…

  5. Apps We Love – Podcast

    Apps we like – Podcast The Summer holidays will soon be upon us and staff, pupils and parents alike will spend at least some part of their break…

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