
New School Website Feature – Event Booking

How do you currently manage event bookings at your school? Is it a time-consuming task involving slips of paper or phone calls? Whether it is your PTA afternoon tea or a trust-wide training session, capturing the information you need, recording it and informing the relevant people can take a huge amount of time. Many of our clients came forward and told us managing event bookings online would save precious time for the busy administration team. It would also ensure the smooth running of events. Well Schudio clients, your wish is our command! In this post I will highlight some of the key uses of this new school website feature:

Maximum Capacity & Date and Time for the last booking

Have you ever been caught in a difficult conversation with someone who wants to come to your event but they are too late or it is full? It can be really difficult to have these conversations. This new school website feature software allows you to set a maximum capacity for bookings and a date and time for the last booking. Once either of these is exceeded the booking will shut down. This means you don't need to monitor bookings as closely and remove them manually.

Dietary Requirements

If you are providing refreshments for your delegates then it is really important to collect dietary information beforehand. From time to time we hear the devastating impact of an ignored or overlooked food allergy. It's so important to collect this information to ensure the safety of your delegates. Whether its an allergy or a preference, not being prepared for this could impact the reputation of your event or organisation. I would suggest enabling this field if you are providing any type of food. Both light refreshments and lunches can include ingredients that can cause issues for delegates. Let's make sure we prepare for each person who walks through the door of our events.

Event Options

Many events have multiple workshops running during the one event. Same day sign up is often what we find when we attend events as a team. Our new school website feature will now allow you to collect this information beforehand. You can provide your instructors with a group size before the day. That way they can prepare accordingly.

Marketing Consent

Following the introduction of GDPR, it is so important that we handle personal information with care. What are your intentions with your delegate's information? If you would like to send them marketing material then make sure they have opted in to be included in your email marketing lists.

If you are still unsure of the implications of GDPR in your role at school, I would really recommend the Role Based GDPR Training for Schools SchudioTV course. This course explains how GDPR applies to different roles within the school setting. So if you are wondering what GDPR means for your administrators, caterers, governors and more I would encourage you to enrol your team in this popular SchudioTV course.

For full instructions about how to use this latest feature then take a look at the support tutorial. As this is a new feature you will need to add it into your user permissions before you will see it in your menu. If you have any questions or thoughts about this new school website feature then send your comments to support@schudio.com



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