
4 Steps to Your Easy School Website

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An Easy School Website

What makes an easy school website? In this post we're going to cover what makes an easy school website software for the administrators and editors of school websites. What can you do on your website to make it as easy as possible, while still keeping up the quality!

Step 1 - Make the content do the work

Where possible you should aim to write your content once. Not only does this save time, but it's also less repetitive for your visitors. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't reference what you've written in different ways and places, and in fact thats exactly what I'm advocating for. Most schools issue a newsletter, and have news displayed on their website. What often doesn't happen is the linking of the two.

We recommend your website is the primary location for your news to be published. Website news can be published straight away, there's no delay for the main newsletter to be issued. Then the news articles on the website can be used to populate and fill the monthly/termly newsletter. Consider just including a selection of articles in your regular newsletter, or even snippets of the main articles and encourage people to view your content on the website.
(You can create QR codes to any page on a Schudio website. It's now possible to scan a QR code without any additional software on iOS 11. [iOS is the operating system run on Apple mobile devices.] Consider including a QR code to your news page on your printed newsletters)

Additional rich media content can be added to your website, that otherwise it would not be possible to share with a paper (or even email) newsletter. It would just be too much to send, and some things like video don't work in that format.

This content can also help for a more manageable social media experience. With your website content you have links to news articles to share, and content to engage your community with.


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Step 2 - Make use of available platforms and tools

There are a number of tools provided within your website software to make it as easy as possible to manage your school website. One of the standout tools, especially useful to help keep on top of website statutory requirements, is our school website compliance software. Use the tool to check through your website and generate a compliance report. We keep the requirements updated and will update you when new requirements are added.

One of our most popular website tools is the document groups feature. Document groups make easy school website policy management possible. Policies and other documents can be updated within a single area and included multiple times on the website in relevant areas.

Step 3 - Don't worry about content formatting too much

The formatting will matter more to you than anyone else. Most people will be concerned about what you've actually written. Not how the content is laid out, or where specific images are placed within the text content. Easy school website content creation becomes much more achievable when you focus more on creating the content. Of course it needs to be laid out in a way that's accessible to different devices and looks good. However your overall website design should take care of that for you.

Step 4 - Ask for help or advice if you need it

We provide easy school website content management software to update your own website content. But that's not where it ends. We're also available to provide support. We frequently provide support for features of the website, but we are also asked about best practice. We also blog frequently about useful topics related to school websites. If there are any topics you'd like us to cover please do get in touch with your thoughts. Subscribe to our blog to make sure you're receiving our regular weekly updates and tips to help you run your school website.

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