
Charging and Remissions Policy and Your School Website

Your Charging and Remissions Policy is one of the shortest school website requirements. Implementing these specific requirements is very straightforward.

This policy needs to cover everything that you WILL charge for as a school. And, everything you WILL NOT charge for as a school. But you also need to include arrangements you make to ensure that those who cannot afford to pay, are not excluded from any activity.

What needs to be included in your Charging and Remissions Policy?

There are specific guidelines around what can and cannot be charged for and you will find this information on the Government website using this link.

Your policy statement will take account of each type of activity that can be charged for. Also, it will explain when a charge will be made. Parents need to know how the charge will be worked out and what the arrangements are if they can't afford to pay. This includes information about whether a contribution will be accepted or whether an activity can be entirely free to the student.

Don't exclude any families from key activities because of financial difficulties. Make sure your charging and remissions policies set out the detail of this.

For more information on what you must cover, read the government document on Charging for School Activities.


Best practice for your Charging and Remissions Policy

Keep your Charging and Remissions Policy up to date at all times and make sure a copy is displayed clearly on your policies page. The vast majority of schools don't create a specific page for the school's charging and remissions policy. The depth of information doesn't usually warrant it.

Adding the policy to your policy page is usually enough in this instance.

Best practice says that you should also link to this information on any pages where you are promoting an event where your Charging and Remissions policy may come into play. Think of it as the terms and conditions you would expect to accept before purchasing anything online. The information needs to be available in locations on your website that make sense to the user.

Burying your Charging & Remissions Policy won't help your parents know what you're charging for and what help is available. Make sure that your placement of this is clear and helpful.

For full details on how to make sure you get this and all other areas of compliance right. download The School Website Requirements Guide.

Here are a couple of examples of schools that are doing this well.

The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School:
Charging and Remissions Policy

Joseph Rowntree:
Charging and Remissions Policy

Werneth School - Charging and Remissions Example


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