
3 School Website Features you’re not making the most of

Your school website features are the tools that make it possible to reach and engage your school community. They're the tools that power your website and give you the options you need to be a highly effective school website manager.

But, are you making the most of the tools you have at your disposal? In this post, we're going to look at 3 school website features that are powerful and highly effective but are often underused.

Let's dive straight in ...

note: these features are based on the Schudio School Website Software but may well still be available through your current provider. If not, set up a call.

Here are the 3 school website features that lots of schools aren't making the most of ...

1/ Social Media Publishing

Social Media is one of your best allies in getting your content in front of your school community. Whichever social media channels you are using, the power is found in maintaining consistency.

Remember, by publishing content socially, you will reach further and more effectively.

What are your social media tools best for?
The Schudio School Website Software includes built-in publishing options in key areas of the software.

In News, Events and Blogs you will find instant-access options to publish your article straight to your social media channels.

The social media publish options are built with the Parental Engagement FlyWheel and it's best practice in mind.

When you write a News article, the main meat of the content will be in the article itself. Your text, photos, and rich content will all be there to keep the user engaged.

The job of your social channels is to drive visitors to your News article.

So, all you need to do is hit the button to share via either Facebook or Twitter, and the majority of the work is taken care of for you. Just write a short, eye-catching sentence that says what the article is about and hit share.

If you do that every time you add a News article you will be reaching your audience more effectively and saving time.

2/ Compliance Auditor

The School Website Compliance Software is a critical part of your school website. The auditing tool makes it incredibly easy to visually check your website at any time, against the very latest requirements.

It is so easy to use and invaluable to many school website managers, but it is neglected by some.

What is your School Website Compliance Auditor best for?
The School Website Compliance Auditor is there for your peace of mind. Our team of compliance experts keep the requirements up to date all year round with the very latest information and advice.

Your job is to check your website against those requirements.

To be sure that your website is compliant all year round, we recommend auditing your website every term.

It won't take long if you're keeping on top of it and you will have an actionable report to take to SLT or Governors. It will also be an invaluable tool for inspectors when they visit to demonstrate how you keep on top of this.

Inspectors are looking for evidence. They want to see, on your website, proof that you are doing what you say you're doing. The Compliance Auditor is your starting point. It allows you to check your website against the requirements at any time, giving you the peace of mind to focus on celebrating life in school and providing that evidence.

3/ Form Builder

Lots of schools are still relying on paper for too many day to day functions. From school trips, after school clubs, diversity, and any other option you can think of.

The Schudio Form & Landing Page Builder is a fantastic tool that allows you to build forms that will collect robust, reliable information in a format that can be imported directly into your school's MIS. And, it's free to Schudio School Website Clients.

What is the Form Builder best for?
The form builder can be used for any scenario where you need to collect information from your parents. It is fast and easy to use and entirely reliable.

The data you collect will be robust and easy to manage. Plus, there is no limit to the amount of data you collect.

The best part, the Schudio Form Builder integrates with your school website seamlessly so the experience of your school community will be the best it can be.

It is so important that your users are able to respond on any device, and at any time. The Schudio Form Builder makes this so easy.

These are just three of the most effective and powerful school website features that are often under-utilised.

If you're a Schudio School Website client and want advice and support on how to make the best use of your school website features, reach out to support and chat to our team.

If you'd like to explore how Schudio can support your school with these, and a whole host of school-specific features, drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you.

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