
Category Archives: SchudioTV

  1. Admission Arrangement Regulations & Your School Website

    Getting your school admissions regulations right on your website is really important for two reasons. Firstly, school admissions are one of the larger sections of school website requirements. …

  2. Understanding HTML and the Building Blocks that come with it

    HTML is crucial to understand if you want to know how the web works. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It’s a standard language used to create either…

  3. Teacher Mental Health – How Schudio can help

    It’s really hard to explain to people what it is like being a teacher. The intensity of the role, and the amount of important matters being balanced at…

  4. SchudioTV – Inspirational Online Courses for Teachers

    Anyone working in schools will know much, (much!) better than I how hard it can be to access the training you need. A recent survey of our clients found…

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