
Developing Your Content Marketing Strategy

Schools and colleges are in the best position right now! Content Marketing is hot, hot, hot and offers the best return on investment compared to any and all forms of marketing. The reason you're in the best possible position compared to other sectors, is because you already have incredible, inspirational stories to tell. You're also already telling them.


But what can you do to make those stories mean more to the people that read them? What can you do to put them in front of more people?

The potential benefits if you get your Content Marketing (read What is Content Marketing?) right are enormous; greater engagement, higher admissions, improved buy-in. What's more, everything part is fully measurable.

Don't think that this doesn't apply to you! Whether you're involved in running your school website or you run multi-faceted campaigns the same applies and the rewards are there for the taking.

In this most recent report, I'll take you through a number of questions you need to answer to create content on your website that works.



Do let me know what you think. If you're looking for the greatest possible return then ask me about our managed campaigns - we will create an detailed strategy for you and support you in developing content that matches the needs of your audience and creates the results you are looking for.

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