
Category Archives: School Website Requirements

  1. GDPR for Schools – Advice & Resources

    Are you well on the way to GDPR compliance, or waiting for further guidance on how best to proceed? Have you factored your school website into the scope…

  2. Use an expert for School Website Compliance in 2018

    There have never been greater demands on school websites. Schools tell us regularly that inspectors are going into more and more depth before they come to school.What’s more, the…

  3. How to complete a School Website Audit

    Ofsted compliance is a critical part of your school website. This article isn’t written to teach you to suck eggs. You’ll already be well aware that inspectors use…

  4. How to avoid the most common school website compliance mistakes

    With the day to day pressures of keeping your school website up to date, it’s incredibly for things to slip.

  5. Ofsted school website compliance – expert advice & training

    Let’s get straight into it. Here’s a few options to consider on your path to full, ongoing school website compliance. We see our job as making your job…

  6. Announcing: The School Website Compliance Software

    Keeping an Ofsted ready website can be hard work and a pressure you don’t need. All year round our experts monitor DfE requirements to ensure that the information…

  7. OFSTED School Website Compliance: Top 5 Tips

    School website compliance is a tricky subject matter. We spend a lot of time researching requirements of compliant websites, and how to make sure they stay compliant. How…

  8. Summer reading – Key school website information

    Your school website is all about reaching people. Everything you do day to day to keep your school website information up to date should be with your readers…

  9. School Website Policies = Yawn? They don’t have to be so dull

    School website policies are a key part of any school website. Some policies are required on your website. But that doesn’t mean you should limit your policies page…

  10. OFSTED Ready School Website in 3 Steps

    Whether you’re in ‘the window’ or not, getting your school website OFSTED ready is a vital part of your online plans. Actually, keeping it up to date with all…

  11. Create an SEN Page on your School Website that is Inclusive

    I’m writing this piece with two hats on. 1/ I’ve overseen the development of hundreds of school websites and apps over the years and lead a team that is passionate…

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