
Monthly Archives: August, 2016

  1. Create an SEN Page on your School Website that is Inclusive

    I’m writing this piece with two hats on. 1/ I’ve overseen the development of hundreds of school websites and apps over the years and lead a team that is passionate…

  2. How to write a Welcome page on your school website

    Your website visitors want to know who you are and why your school or college is the best school or college for them and their family. They want to…

  3. Nicole walks the red dusts of Uganda

    After many months of preparation and anticipation, three flights in 24 hours and another day’s travel by coach, I finally found myself in Rukungiri walking the red dusts…

  4. Optimising Images for your Website

    Images are a vital part of your school or college website but they also account for most of the downloaded data on any web page. That slows down your…

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